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Dracaena Magenta

Regular price €12,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €12,50 EUR
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Life Form: Shrub, tree

Family: Agavaceae

Origin: Asia, Australia, Africa

Ease of Cultivation: Lightweight, suitable for beginner

The Size: Usually from 30 to 90 cm

Growth: Slow enough, 10-15 cm per year

Lifespan: Perennial

Temperature: Prefers in winter and summer temperatures of 64,4-73,4 ° F. In winter, if the plant is not watered, it can withstand a minimum temperature of  55,4° F

Humidity: Sprinkle 2 times a week, in winter it is best not to put the plant next to the radiators

Lightning: Plants with bright leaves prefer bright diffuse light. The best place is 1-2 m from the south or south-west window. In a shady place, the color will be pale

The Soil: For a mixture of own preparation, take:   3 parts of the garden land, 1 part peat, 1 part coarse sand. Requires good drainage (at least 3 cm).

Watering: Watering in summer is abundant 1-2 times a week, in winter 1 time in 8-12 days. The plant should not be poured, but the soil should not completely dry out either

Fertilizer: During growth in the summer, once every 2 weeks, feed with liquid fertilizer

Reproduction: Apical cuttings with deciduous nodes 7-8 cm. Rooted in a mixture of peat and sand, covered with plastic or glass at a temperature of 75,2 ° F. It sprouts in about 2-3 weeks. You can root in the water, add activated charcoal to the water so that the cuttings do not rot. Rooted cuttings of Dracaena Godseffa and Sander can be planted in a pot with 3-4. Seed multiplication is possible in February-March (planted in sand or peat). Sprout for a month

Bloom: Blossom quite rarely in the summer flowers of cream color (some species are fragrant)

Features of Care: Strongly stretched plant is most expedient to cut, the top can be rooted. It is advisable to regularly wipe the leaves. The brown tips of the leaves should be cut off. Dracaena sander can be grown in water, wherein the dissolved minerals. The plant is quite shady, the shoots can stand in a vase with water in the back of the room. However, the plant quickly loses decorativeness, it requires regular pruning. Dracaena Godseffa has a bushy shape and is not similar to the other members of the genus. One of the most unpretentious species. Dracaena is shade-tolerant, but in the absence of light lose their bright coloring of the leaves

Difficulties: Affected by spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, aphids, and thrips. With excess moisture, the stem can be rotated from below. On leaves, light and dry spots appear from excess light and brown spots from insufficient watering. The leaves become soft, darken and curl at too low a temperature. The tips and edges list dry up, and the lower leaves are falling at very low humidity. Abscission lower leaves of adult plants – a Natural process. The leaves are poorly colored due to a lack of light. The leaves fall and rot when too cold and wet. The new increment is deformed and small if necessary top dressing. At low temperature and high humidity, it can develop gray mold (Botrytis) – brown spots on the leaves